Wednesday, 15 January 2014

dates announced, tickets released

SUN is playing at St Leonard's Church from the 05 February - 02 March 2014. The show begins at 7.30pm every evening from Wednesdays to Sundays. After every Sunday show, there will be a discussion in the nave with the company which may carry on to the cafe across the road Ziferblat, or Prague bar next door, depending on the mood. Our press night is on the 06 of February, for more information on this, contact Sharon McHenry of Mobius industries.

You can get your tickets here.

Here's a little interview with writer and director of SUN Alan Fieldmouse (really, his name is Alan Fielden)

JY (performing the anonymous reporter): So I hear you're working on a show in Shoreditch Church...

AF: Yea

What's it about?

It's about people dealing with mortality all over again.

Why did you decide to write about that?

Do you want a beer? I can't really tell you that in a minute.

If you buy me a beer. Yea.

AF laughs

Why did I decide to write a play about that....

Yea! Why that? It's a bit grim...

A lot of plays are grim. King Lear's grim. Um, who are you?

I'm just asking you a question. I'm a journalist.

Oh Jesus Christ, I don't speak to journalists.

they laugh

It wasn't really a conscious decision to write about that.

Was there a conscious decision in the process of making? Did you want to write about love and ended up writing about death?

Which play was the first one?

The first play was CO. The one where they're all at dinner together.

What was the brief when you wrote CO. ?

I think it was a 20 minute play. I think that was all it was yea. The other play called I Know This Love of Mine was for a brief: 15 minutes long, a play about the apocolypse i think it was for Little Pieces of Gold.

When you grow up....

When I grow up...

And you look back on this project... You know when you make work, when you're in it it's really hard to know what it is. But at some point in the future you will look back on this and go "oh yea!! that's what I was trying to do in my life", maybe that's political, maybe personal. Do you have any idea of what this is about?

I know exactly what this is about and what it is in the scale of my life. 

What's that?

I'm not telling you that... Well... One thing it's about is the mortality of all love and if there's any such thing as a love that conquers death... I've had testing experiences of love in my recent life both romantically and in my family and I think that means that my head and heart are in a place of questioning the mortality of love. The inevitability of love seems to be loss; which is somehow funny and cruel and absurd. 

Where are you going? 


OK. Keep going, tell me about the two halves.

The first part of the piece examines the effect of impending death on human behaviour and the second looks at the effect of scarcity on human behaviour. The second half is a lot more complicated than that because it's also about culture, renewal, teasing apart contemporary conventions. There's a belief that the world is the way it is because it has to be - look back (or forward) two hundred years and you see it's nonsense. A kind of mundane madness. 

Would you say we live in a society where the impact of scarcity is evident, present, around? 

No, not in the first world... not in the same way. It's the scarcity of iPhones and the really important distinction is that it is an artificial scarcity; manufactured poverty - there are enough resources here... I think it was Mandela that said poverty is a human invention. There's a food bank in Westminster ten minutes walk from a very famous palace.

Where are you going?

Shadwell. But I can take that one to Waterloo. 

There just aren't any good pubs around here you know...

Is this the one? 

No, it's the 26. 

Cool, I'm coming with you. 

-- end

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